Saturday 6 May 2023

 Mrs. Sriya Vithanage J.P

120/118A Abeyasekara Road


Dehiwala.                                                                                 Norway date 06 May2023

                                                                           Dear Madam! I am Mr, Lawrence Peiris, living in Norway. I have a house in Dehiwala, Hill Houise Garden. In the year of 2016, I decided to sell the house.  Myself and buyer Riyas approached Lawyer Ratnam Raguraj. The buyer have no sufficient money to buy my house. The Lawyer Ratnam Raguraj aggred to buy my house and paid advanced.  He said that the rest of amount will pay when the deed transfer from my name. As he promised me, he did not paid the rest of amount. Now he transfered the need in to his wife name without my precence and my signature. You know that he changed house ownership document without my signature. You were the vintnes of this ownership change proicess.  You told me that Ratnam Raguraj change house ownership and you were the vitness as a Dehiwala J.P.

                                                                           Now Mr. Ratnam Ragurajha refused to pay the rest of amount, nearly seven years spent. Now I demand Ratnam to pay the rest amount trible as its original amount. Because Now in Sri Lanka money value reduced trible time . So he ought to pay trible time as it original amount. Please advise him to pay me 50,00,000 fifty laks Sri Lanka ruppes. If he did not paid I will make a case that he transfered my house deed without my signature and change house ownership without my signature, you were the vintes all of thse transfer. If you have any questions, please  my mobil number 004792278528. I hope you will settled this problem

                                                                                      Thank you 

                                                                                                              your truly, Lawrence

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